Comphrehensive E-Learning System SESKOAD


A classroom supported by modern technology to improve learning activity. Precondition for this system includes display technology and control user which support interaction among users.

Software Smartclass

Broadcast Activity

Help instructor to teach more than 1 class simultaneously

Class Activity

A system which allow you to arrange activity inside classroom, such as classroom scheduling and arragment

Monitoring Activity

Used by instructor to monitor activity of student's PC when the lesson and test is taken

Computer Assited Test

IT-Based test integrated with monitoring activity


Comphrehensive E-Learning System

CELS is IT-Based learning system which provides multiple facilities start from preparation, lesson material upload, collaboration and discussion, scoring administration and score display.

Scoring Management System

A Single user Web-Based app used to manage student's score

Academic Management System

To manage teaching and learning process, arrange curriculum and academic calendar and create academic report

Document Management System

To write mail, and official memo, save private and public document and save archived mail

Personnel Management System

Managing data of student and alumni, with integrated database

E-book Library

E-Book Library is a web-based library app with digital format, coded by programming language